You are the sole manager of the KeepAlive packets being sent to and from LD Inc. You job is to keep the packets flowing back to the clients connected to the server before the timeout limit is hit. You don't want to face the angry wrath of the clients, hell bent on submitting games, do you?

Version 0.1.1 BUG FIX:
Input Slots were not clearing once a package was sent.
This would prevent players from loading packages into previously used slots.

Move the incoming packets into any input column to begin processing it.  
To resolve the data in each input you must unscramble the word given.

Command Order:  
1.) load  
2.) extract  
3.) resolve  
4.) repack  
5.) send  

commands descriptions are as follows:  
start: starts the service  
load packageNumber inputSlot: loads the package into input  
extract-data inputSlot: extract package data  
resolve-data inputSlot solution: resolves package data with the given solution  
repack-data inputSlot: repackages data into package  
send inputSlot: sends package to client  
exit: quit the service  

Command Structure:  
load [packageNumber] [inputName]
extract-data [inputName]
resolve-data [inputName] [solution]
repack-data [inputName]
send [inputName]
Example Commands:
load 0 input0  
extract-data input0  
resolve-data input0 forty-five  
repack-data input0  
send input0

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LD46 - Keep It 1.9 MB

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